Here is a picture of my baby girl acting all "crazy eyed!"
I had to go on a retreat for work, so Maggie and Daddy spent the day together. He was so good and took her to the park. They took lots of pictures, but this was the funniest. She is eating the swing!
That same weekend we left and went to Houston. We got to spend lots of time with our cousins. Here is Kate, Caroline, and Maggie with Nana. They had so much fun together.
This was the best picture ever. Nana would always send Caroline to go look for the birds. Maggie followed her one time, and went with her.
We have promised my nieces a sleep-over. We took Maddy and Aly to Chick-Fl-A and then bowling. We had so much fun. The girls did a great job. They were such a big help in watching Maggie the next day as well.
Here is a picture of my two best friends. Brody turned one on Aug. 6, so they flew back from San Fran to celebrate. We had a day of swimming, eating cake, and then a nice night out at dinner. Here is our final good bye before they officially take off to San Fran. We can't wait to see them again.
Last Sunday we celebrated my dad's 60th birthday. We went to the lake and Maggie slept for an hour and a half in the water. Here is her after her peacful time. She was up and ready to go!
We finished up the birthday celebration on Monday night. We had dinner at my sisters house and then enjoyed ice cream sundays! It was a great birthday for my dad!
Maggie and I have had a very busy summer. I am very sad that is is coming to an end. We have become very close. I can only wait until I have a day off to spend with her. I am now getting ready for her 1st birthday. If you are creative and would like to give me ideas for a Halloween theme plase send them my way. Enjoy our pictures!