Can you believe that this little girl is 2 years old? I can't! It seems like just yesterday we were heading to the hospital to meet Maggie. She has grown so much, and just does so much.
Here are her stats:
Height: 34 1/2inches - 68%
Head: 19 inches - 71%
Weight: 25.2 lbs. - 30%
She is a long and lean machine.
Maggie has grown so much this last year. Her vocabulary is amazing and growing everyday. She will point to things and say what they are. Just yesterday we were at the Dr.'s office and she pointed out a little girl wearing a backpack. I had no idea she even knew what a backpack was!
She loves to sing. Everyday we sing Yo Gabba Gabba songs in the car. She also sings any nursery rime around. Ms. Nan, said she will walk around the house and hum or sing songs all day long. We call her our little song bird.
Maggie is not the best eater. We struggle everyday to get good things in her. She loves ranch and ketchup! Who did she get that from?? She also hates to change out of her PJ's. Daily, we fight over putting on clothes. Daddy is really good at that battle.
We just have so much fun. Maggie really makes our life so complete! We look forward to spending so much time with her and watching her grow!
Happy Birthday to my little baby!
We love you so much!!!