Wednesday, October 21, 2009


We have had a very busy October. Things just seem to be going so fast. This past weekend we didn't do a whole lot. Saturday we managed to make it out to my nephews football game, and lunch with my dad. Then, daddy decided to try to make chicken fried steak for dinner. It was a great meal. On Sunday, my mom helped us clean and watch Maggie. Then we met up with our friends at the pumpkin patch. Maggie didn't take a very good nap so I was worried. She is such an outdoor baby. She did great! Here are some pictures of our fun time. This weekend we are preparing for our big birthday party! Stay posted for some pics of that great adventure! We hope everyone is doing well.

Maggie and her boyfriend Will. They really had a great time digging and playing in the dirt.

We went on a hayride. Maggie really had a fun time. She just loved the wind blowing through her hair!

A fun family photo.

Here is Jenny and Will, Maggie and I, and Stacy and Michael. Stacy is expecting little Jonathan any day now. She was a trooper for hanging out with us.

We had a great day with our friends. I can't wait to do it again next year.


  1. Hey! I saw your post on my blog. It is good to hear from you! I didn't know you had a blog! I can't believe Maggie is going to be one. Her invite is soooo cute! Hopefully I can get some jobs at Shawnee soon and see you!

  2. Cute family pic!! Hope you guys have a wonderful 1st birthday for Maggie and sorry we wont be able to make it! We will be sending happy wishes from Houston!! :)

  3. She is so precious and I can't believe she will be ONE! So sorry we can't make it to her party, but I know you will have fun and can't wait to see the pictures!

  4. Cute pictures! Can you believe how fast the year has gone by! Give her lots of birthday kisses and hugs!!!!!!I can't wait to see birthday pictures! Have a FANTASTIC weeekend!!!!!!

  5. Sorry we missed the party. Chuck had to go to the Aggie game (big surprise there) and I couldn't fathom an hour long drive with three kids by myself. Call me selfish, it just wasn't happening. Still, we thought of Maggie all day Saturday. Hope she had a good party!
