Monday, September 7, 2009


Okay, to all of my friends out there with kids. When do you remove the bumpers? I have caught Maggie several times now undoing the bows on her bumpers and trying to remove them. Is that a sign that they need to go? I am just worried about her hands or feet getting caught. Is that stupid? Let me know what you think.

On to our weekend. We had a very relaxing and fun weekend. Friday night we went out to dinner with some friends, and then watched the Hangover. Great movie. We then slept in a little on Saturday and headed out to watch my nephews first football game. It was lots of fun watching him tackle so much. He did a great job. We headed home and tried to get Maggie to nap, but she wasn't having it. We stayed in on Saturday night and just hung out. It was a nice quiet evening. Sunday we got up and cleaned house, mowed the lawn, cooked dinner for some friends and watched Big Brother. I love that show! Today we hung out at the house, waited for Maggie to poop, Jack washed the cars, waited for Maggie to poop, headed to the lake, waited for Maggie to poop (are you getting the picture?) My little pooper hasn't pooped at all today. We are in for a big one tomorrow, (or my sister is!) Any how, we had a fun day at the lake. Maggie didn't nap, but she did a beautiful job. We are all tired now and heading up to bed. I love spending time with my family. I look forward to a wonderful relaxing weekend again soon!


  1. lake looks fun! :)

    Bumpers, we never took ours off but Zach never seemed to bother with them. If they make you uncomfortable, take em off. I think her legs and arms will be just fine ;-)
