Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Easter 2010 was Maggie's 2nd Easter. We took her to see the Easter bunny a few days ago and this is what we got. Poor Maggie. Hopefully, one day she will forgive us.

This is Maggie's Easter basket. She got lots of goodies! She didn't pay much attention to it. Hopefully, next year she will get excited!

Here is our family photo. Not the best picture of me, but it's all we got!

We had a busy day. We went to church with my mom then came home and ate lunch with our friends Rick, Stacy, and their kids Michael and Jonathan. After lunch Maggie and Jack napped before we were off to Easter round 2. We headed to my sister Lori's house for dinner and an egg hunt. Lori got a new play yard and Maggie decided to climb up the big ramp to get to the top. She had a few struggles with her dress, but she had lots of fun and did it over and over again.

We had been working at home with Maggie on putting eggs in her basket. She always had no problems, but we never put anything inside. Well, maybe we should have. On Sunday she figured out how to open them and out fell all of the treats.

Maggie dumping all of her treats in her lap. We salvaged a few treats!

Lori had a castle in her backyard. This is where Maggie hung out the majority of the time. She loves to be inside of things. It was so fun just listening to her laugh and peek her head out the window.

We had a great Easter. I can't wait till next year for her to be another year older and to understand more!