Tuesday, December 29, 2009


We got an opportunity to go out in the snow tonight! It has snowed 3 times this month and this is the first opportunity we got to go play. It was so much fun to see Maggie's reaction. Take a look for yourself!

Maggie was puzzled at first. She didn't know what to do.

Starting to warm up a little bit.

She wouldn't put her feet on the grass. She only wanted to stand on the patio.

Finally making it into the grass. We had to put her there, but she did it.

Maggie loved the snow so much she didn't want to come in. We were all wet, so it was time. She through herself on the floor and had a fit. It was funny to watch.

1 comment:

  1. Those fits make me laugh. George is just starting to throw fits. Funny stuff.
