Tuesday, July 20, 2010


We made it to week six of our summer. I feel like I'm in school and should be producing a report card. If I was, I guess we would be getting an A-. I think that is because I am failing at getting picks of our week.

We did have a lot of fun. We started off the week every morning with swim lessons. Let me just tell you what a difference a weekend made. On Saturday, we headed out to our neighborhood pool with daddy. It went really well. She was sitting on the stairs and cried a bit, but something just changed and she was so happy. We got out of the pool to head home, and she walked back to the pool, and got in herself. Now, we did watch her to see what she would do, but we were right there to get her. Let's just say when we finally left she cried. It was classic. Who knew? I didn't.

Maggie crying when we left the pool. I never thought I would see this.

After the pool and naps, we headed out to Taste of Dallas with our friends the Abraham's. It was lots of fun. I even got to have a "mommy" drink. It was yummy. Maggie and Will were very hot, but I think they enjoyed it as well. Let me just tell you my favorite part was the "Cake Balls!" I wish I was cleaver enough to come up with that idea. It was so yummy!!!

Maggie and Will just hanging out. They did so good.

So, for week six we went to swim class on Monday and had no tears. It was awesome. We headed back to the pool with our friends the Saavedra's and the Abraham's. After that we went to lunch at the Saavedra's and back home for a nap. The Abraham's came over for Spaghetti dinner and play time outside.

Lunch time at the Saavedra's. Will, Maggie and Michael all eating "Cizza!! (Pizza!)

On Tuesday, we were back in swim class and then lunch out with the Saavedra's. Maggie decided to have an explosive diaper on me. It was not fun. I had to tell the people at Chick - fil - la that we had to use their sink in a crazy way. After that we went to my sister Amy's house to hang out and visit while Maggie napped. We then went over to the Abraham's for dinner. Jenny made a yummy pasta and shrimp dish. It was good!!

Maddy, Kiki, Aly and Maggie playing with pattern blocks. My baby is getting so big.

Wednesday was a slow day after swim class. We headed over to Amy's house to chat and play and then came home for nap time. I think I took a nap on Wednesday as well. That night we went to my favorite place Spring Creek BBQ for dinner.

Thursday was our last day of swim class. Guess what, we graduated!!! It was so fun. Maggie swam underwater, and just did a great job. I am a believer of all things happen on Maggie time!!! She is a crazy girl that loves to make her mommy wait!! We then headed out to go shopping and run errands with our friends. It was good times.

Maggie ready to leave for swim class. She got a new purse and was ready to hit the road.

On Friday we didn't have to wake up early. It was nice. We headed out to library time and then lunch with a special friend. Who knew that I would still be chatting it up with a former parent of mine? Kathy is a special person in my life, and I am so glad that we still talk and hang out. Her son was in my 1st 4th grade class, and I will never forget the day I meet her. He graduated this year and is headed off to the military. He will be in the Marine Core band. I am so proud of him. He graduated 89th in his class of 1200 something. Wow, that must be some amazing work that his teachers did! After lunch we came home to my sister-in-law Ashley and all my nieces and nephews. We had a crazy night with taking pictures with Kala. You will have to go to her blog to check out our sneak peak! She is one amazing person and with 100 degree heat at 7:00, she did amazing! I can't wait to see the rest.


We had a fun weekend. On Saturday we got up and hung out, went swimming and I went to a birthday party for my nieces and nephews on my side. It was a great time. Overall, we had a great weekend with our family. We love when we get to see them!

The family picture with all the cousins. Drake, Maddy, Dirk, Aly, and Robby. Maggie was at home napping and Kiki just was to hot and decided to sit this one out.

Playing outside on Saturday with the water table.

Bath time with Kate, Caroline, and Maggie.

What will week seven have in store for us? I just have to say that we didn't have to set an alarm!!!


  1. ha! I love the bath pic, so cute!!....the expressions are SO jack, thomas, and ashley! :-)

  2. Wow! You guys have been sooo busy! What a great summer. Wish we could be seeing you guys more often!
