Tuesday, June 30, 2009


We were at a friends house on Friday night and put Maggie down to sleep in her carrier. This is not something out of the ordinary, we always do it. When we got home Jack looked down and found that she had spit up all over herself. It was bad. I had to completely change her clothes, sponge her off and Jack had to clean the carrier that night. It was not good. Well, we hadn't had anything like that before, and we hadn't experienced it all weekend. We just thought maybe it was a fluke.

Last night, we went in to tell her goodnight and found that she had done it again, but in her bed. It was so sad. We had to put her to sleep in her pack and play. Poor Mags. She went right back to bed, but I am sure she didn't sleep well.

I am just puzzled by what is going on. We haven't changed anything that we have been doing, so I just don't know. I hope that tonight we have a better night. As a mom you hate that you can't help them.

1 comment:

  1. Poor little baby. She won't remember it. No worries.
